Around the Pond: 5000 km on the North Sea Cycle Route

Today's journey is almost exclusively on highways, some smaller, some busier. The landscape is not as spectacular as the last few days - or maybe I'm just getting used to it.

Around noon I make a stop in Tanumshede to get something to eat. The weather is mostly sunny today. I'm glad as I arrive in Strömstad. I am now just a few kilometers south of the border to Norway.

The camping site is just outside the city, on the side of a rocky ridge. The back side of the ridge descents down into a nice, calm fjord, with a grassy beach.

Day 28 - June 30th: Hunnebostrand to Strömstad


Hunnebostrand - Bovallstrand - Hamburgsund - Fjällbacka - Tanumshede - Skee - Strömstad


Distance: 84.28 km
Cycle time: 4:42 h
Average speed: 17.91 kmh
Hight difference: 782 m
Total distance: 1935 km
© Thomas Stets
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